Custom Headset Stand



My old headset used to always get in the way of my desk with its long cord and poor storage ability.



I decided I would create my own custom headset stand that would fit this headset perfectly.






Headset was too cumbersome to properly store on my desk. Wire would be too long and fall on my ground and get caught in my chair wheels.


Actions (Brainstorm and Inital Design):

First thing was I sketched out possible designs of the headset for best fit and least deformation/stretch of headset.

I also collected dimensions of my headset. Using headset dimensions, I created a CAD model which would hold my headphones.

The CAD model includes the natural shape of headphones and cord holder piece

Dimensions of CAD model collected from headset

Dimensions of wireholder

Single Layer of the design of the wire holder cut

Final Layered of CAD model to be printed

Actions (Designing for Manufacturing):

Brainstormed various manufacturing practices. 3D printing was too large, so I decided to laser cut it on the Trotec Speedy 400 Flexx.

I adjusted my CAD model to match the thickness of the plywood 1/8 inch thick plywood.


I wished to have my wireholder to be 1/2 inch so I layered 4x of the wire holder cuts. I then layered in 4x of the non wire holder cuts on either side for stability. 


Happy with my design, I created DXF files which can be sent to the Adobe Illustrator for laser cutting. 


Actions (Manufacturing):

I imported my DXF drawings into Adobe Illustrator to send to the Trotec for laser cutting.


After the laser cutting was complete, I used wood glue to adhere the layers together and clamped them overnight to properly adhere. 



Once it was fully adhered, I used an increasing number of sandpaper to sand the edges and remove excess glue. 


Trotec Speedy 400 Flexx used for laser cutting


I was able to successfully my headset stand. The stand remains upright and stores my headset and wires out of my way. 

Assembled Stand 

Assembled stand with headset and wire